May Day! Prime Minister on the brink of receiving her actual P45 after losing her voice (again)

After spluttering her way through the speech - our traders have cut the price on her to be gone by the end of the year

Following Theresa May’s spluttering performance at the Conservative conference yesterday, our traders have cut the price on her leaving her position this year – from 5/2 to 2/1.

They’ve also slashed the odds on May being replaced as Party Leader in 2018, into 11/10, with her P45 seemingly imminent after prankster Simon Brodkin handed her a mock one.

The odds of May being replaced as PM this month is 5/1, while they make it Evens that she resigns within a year.

A miserable day for the Prime Minister was compounded by her losing her voice – not for the first time in recent weeks, as Boris Johnson continues to publicly audition for her position.

The Foreign Secretary is the 3/1 favourite to replace May if and when she does leave Downing Street.

Spokesman Paddy Power said: “The presentation of a pretend P45 was a May Day warning for the PM, and we think the real thing won’t be far behind.

“May might have had a persistent cough yesterday, but her Party have been persistently telling her to, erm, ‘cough’ for months.”


5/6         No Brexit deal to be reached by April 1st deadline
Evens    Theresa May to resign within a year
11/10     May to be replaced as Conservative Leader in 2018
2/1         May to be replaced as Conservative Leader in 2017
9/4         The next General Election to be held in 2018
3/1         Johnson to be the next Conservative Leader
5/1         May to be replaced as Conservative Leader this month
8/1         Johnson to be PM within a year
100/1     Every member of May’s cabinet to change within a year

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