Fun Facts About Bingo

If you’re anything like us here at Paddy Power, you probably love bingo and everything about it.

Fun Facts About Bingo

In fact, there are loads of fun facts about bingo that you might not know. Have a look through this list, and don’t forget to break some of these out next time you’re conversing with a fellow bingo aficionado.

The Italian Origins of Bingo

You’d be excused if you thought bingo was of British or Irish origin. After all, it’s pretty much a staple over here. Unfortunately, though, we can’t lay claim to it. We may have made it what it is today, but the origins of bingo began in Italy.

According to historians, the game was originally called Il Gioco del Lotto d’Italia and came about in 1530. It was more like a lottery back then, and it only became more like the modern form of bingo when it moved to the USA in the 1920s.

Italian origins of bingo

Italian origins of bingo

Bingo Was Almost Called Beano

When the Italians’ lottery game made it across the pond to the old US of A, it became known as Beano. Rumour has it that a travelling carnival was playing the game at the time, and a toy salesman named Edwin S. Lowe brought it to New York. From there, he made it famous, and the rest is history.

Bingo Callers Used Beans to Play the Game

Oh yeah, we forgot to mention one other detail about the game in its original form. If you hadn’t guessed from the name, it was originally played with beans. Yeah, you read that right. Players would mark the numbers off their bingo cards with beans. Thankfully, that evolved to daubers when bingo became popular. Nowadays, it’s all done automatically for you online!

Bingo Nicknames Add to the Fun

Bingo has gained a reputation over the years for being light-hearted and fun, and part of that is down to the famous bingo lingo involved. These came about originally for communication reasons – bingo callers needed to clarify the numbers they were reading out, to make sure everyone knew what to cross off on their cards.

It soon became a form of entertainment, with the best callers in the business adding their own panache to proceedings. Bingo nicknames and phrases were invented, and they spread around the playing community like wildlife. The UK was a major leader in this regard – we’ll get into some of the unique calls from these shores a bit later.

Bingo’s National Day is June 27 in UK and US

Did you know that bingo has its own national day? Well, if you didn’t, now you do. It’s held on the 27th of June in both the US and the UK, highlighting how these countries were pivotal players in making the game what it is today.

It’s not a national holiday or anything, but you might notice it on some calendars. It’s a great idea to check for special offers and promotions at the time as well, as many bingo sites celebrate it by rewarding players with freebies.

Bingo Balls Used to be Hand-Painted

You could say that a lot of love and care goes into bingo – from the bingo callers to the event organisers, people are passionate about the ball draw. Back in the day, this level of devotion even stretched to the ball design.

When bingo first started, they didn’t have the mass production lines that are around today. Instead, people had to lovingly hand-paint the balls. In some circumstances, bingo callers didn’t even have balls and had to simply rely on what was available. For instance, they’d sometimes use hand-crafted equipment such as wooden chips or loose buttons.

70,000 People Attended the Largest Bingo Event in History

There have been some incredible bingo events over the years, and the biggest of them all was attended by a whopping 70,000 people. Imagine that – your chances of winning wouldn’t be too high, but what an experience.

The awesome event took place in Colombia in 2006, and set a Guinness World Record that hasn’t been broken to this day. If you think you and your mates can organise a greater one, you’re welcome to give it a try.

The False Bingo Fiasco

If you head out to play the lucky ball draw at a bingo hall, we urge you not to be the one who wrongfully shouts out for bingo. Nobody wants to be that guy, the one who halts proceedings and leads everyone else to let out a collective moan, only to discover then that they hadn’t actually won.

You may notice that some bingo halls have special false bingo forfeits for players who falsely call bingo. These could range from having to do a silly dance in front of everyone or kiss a random stranger – you name it, anything goes!

Bingo Rhymes Specific to UK Players

We’ve saved the best bingo fun fact for last – the special rhymes that grew to fame in the UK. Bingo wouldn’t be the game it is today without the legendary lingo that arose on these isles, and every player has their favourite call. Here are some of the best rhymes in the business, which we’re sure you’ve heard before:

  • Cup of Tea – 3
  • Knock at the Door – 4
  • Man Alive – 5
  • Garden Gate – 8
  • Prime Minister’s Den – 10
  • Young and Keen – 15
  • Dancing Queen – 17
Bingo rhymes for UK players

Bingo rhymes for UK players

Along with these rhymes, there are some iconic phrases:

  • Legs Eleven – 11
  • Two Little Ducks – 22
  • All the Threes – 33
  • Halfway There – 45
  • Here Comes Herbie – 53
  • Two Fat Ladies – 88

Of course, there are many more than these. Which one’s your favourite? Why not play some Paddy Power Bingo to refresh your memory?


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