We see you problematic protesters, and we’re offering to raise your profile…to a safe altitude of approximately 300 meters.
Everyone has the right to protest peacefully, but a small minority of activists are wreaking havoc at major sporting events this summer, endangering athletes, animals and spectators.
So, if it’s a high profile demonstrators are after, we’ll give it to them, courtesy of our carbon neutral Lucky Pants hot air balloon.
Offering to give problematic protesters a new perspective, P.E.S.T (Protestor Exit Support Team) promises to provide a safe (and inescapable) space for this particular breed of kamikaze crusader, vowing to raise their profile – literally – in their specially designed hot air balloon.
Despite their best efforts to date, His Majesty’s Protester Removal Team have struggled to tackle disruptive demonstrators engaging in reckless behaviour to make their point, with a survey of 2000 Brits revealing that just 39% feel their doing an adequate job.
With many other massive sporting occasions in the diary this summer, including Royal Ascot, The Ashes, Wimbledon and The Open, Paddy’s P.E.S.T patrol vow to maintain a presence on the y-frontline of sport.
To date we’ve seen a dangerous minority of demonstrators make enemies of their peaceful protesting allies by sprinting across racetracks (Epsom Derby), sticking themselves to obstacles (Aintree Grand National), strolling in front of a bus (the England cricket team) and powdering everything from snooker tables and rugby pitches to Chelsea Flower Show displays to make their point.
However, a survey of 2,000 Brits commissioned by Paddy Power reveals that while three-quarters (75%) of the public agree that people have the right to protest, an overwhelming 81% think sporting events should not be targeted.
In all:
- 74% say disrupting sports events is detrimental to protestors’ cause.
- 73% think demonstrators employing reckless tactics to gain attention should be banned from sports events.
- Only 39% believe the authorities are doing an adequate job when dealing with dangerous protestors.
- Paddy Power’s P.E.S.T Patrol vessel offers free, carbon neutral hot air balloon rides to dangerous demonstrators, promising to attend ‘at risk’ events and provide a safe place for these problematic plagues on sports play.
And after it emerged that more than £100,000 has reportedly been spent on additional security for Royal Ascot, after authorities opted against seeking an injunction to cover the threat of disruption or trespass at one of flat racing’s most prestigious meetings, we felt it was time to say Pants to Protesters!
- Jack Grealish said ‘hang it in the Louvre’… so we did
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