Russia have gained a surprise set of supporters in the World Cup. Us. And it’s not just because Ireland didn’t manage qualify for the tournament this year…
In a sentence you never thought you’d read, the LGBT+ community are backing the typically homophobic nation, as the Russian team – whether they know it or not – will be directly be directly funding a campaign to tackle homophobia in football.
For every goal the Russian lads score, Paddy’s going to pull £10,000 out of his deep pockets to fund causes dedicated to making football more LGBT+ inclusive.
Working with Attitude magazine‘s Foundation, our cash is going to:
- Challenge LGBT+ prejudice on and off the field
- Support footballers and those in the game in coming out
- Fund educational programmes in schools and colleges
- Make grass-roots teams safe spaces for LGBT+ players
And, most importantly:
- Wind up a few gammon-headed Russian homophobes – perfect
I’m now a Russia fan! To find out why, check out my video below for @paddypower and then you can show support too via #RainbowRussians COME ON RUSSIA!” #ad For more information, check out: https://t.co/zEEHBeykFL pic.twitter.com/reGGbYRJxm
— Caitlyn Jenner (@Caitlyn_Jenner) June 13, 2018
Plus, we’ve listed the help of a team of backers. From Caitlyn Jenner to Christopher Biggins, and Nigel Owens to Lianne Sanderson.
Basically, if you’re not supporting Russia at this tournament – you’re a loser. Who needs Gareth Southgate when you’ve got Gareth Thomas?
Give the home nation’s suspiciously easy group, it seems implausible that they won’t bag a goal throughout the tournament… But, just in case, we’ll be donating a minimum of £50,000 anyway. Bravo, I say.
Paddy said:
“Given they invented Russian Dolls, you’d be forgiven for thinking Russia wouldn’t have an issue with women being into other women.
“Likewise, their appreciation for bears is one shared around the world by the LGBT+ population, so it really is astonishing that they have not used their stewardship of this tournament to champion LGBT+ inclusivity.
“As a result, we’ve stepped in to help. When Russia Put-in a goal, we’ll Put-in £10,000 to Attitude magazine’s Foundation, who will use the funds to make football more LGBT+ inclusive.
“I cannot wait to see the LGBT+ community get behind the Russians – or the Russians’ baffled reaction!”
Darren Styles OBE, publisher of Attitude, said:
“When Paddy Power approached us with this idea we leapt at the chance. The LGBT+ community has a long history of reclaiming and adopting behaviours, words and styles that were intended to discriminate against us, so for this tournament we’re adopting Russia.
“The World Cup is meant to be about inclusivity, but thanks to the hosts – and those who chose the hosts – this tournament (and the next, in Qatar) is taking place in a nation with laws that discriminate against the LGBT+ population.
“This is completely unacceptable and, therefore, we welcome the opportunity to benefit from Russia’s success and make unwitting allies of their national team. It will be hugely satisfying to see a goal from Russia send a message of equal love.”
So pull out your red, white and blue flags. And we don’t mean the ones you had left over from the Royal Wedding.