Ah, the wonderful world of internet commenting.
From alt-right rants to petty one-upmanship mixed with the (very) occasional salient point, the full spectrum of humanity is right there below the line for all to see.
Online comments can sometimes fill you with a deep existential dread, but here at Paddy Power we have faith in our followers. We want to reward the wit of our legions of adoring fans – which definitely do exist; no need to fact-check – and as a result we’ve decided to make talking with us worth your while.
To celebrate the re-launch of PaddyPower.News, every Monday we’ll be offering a 50 QUID FREE BET to the person we judge to have left the best comment on the blog.
We’ll award the first free bet on Monday July 3 for comments left this week (26/06 – 02/07). So all you have to do is type in your thoughts on any article and hope that you’re funny or interesting enough to merit such a lovely prize. We’ll do the rest.
There’s no catch, apart from the obvious requirement of you actually having a Paddy Power online account. (Oh, and do try your very hardest not to be abusive to others).
If that’s not money for nothing, we don’t know what is.
So comment early and comment often – the more you comment, the higher your chance of winning; but make it funny, we all need some sunshine in our lives.
We look forward to hearing from you.
For the purposes of the competition, a week is to be considered Monday 00:00 to Sunday 23:59. Paddy Power’s decision is final in relation to the award of free bets.