Save Our Sign!

Official Making of the Sign Video:

BBC News Report on what happened:

And here’s Paddy’s original post from 9am, 29.09.10


Well, as you may have heard by now, I’m appearing in court this lunchtime to defend our famous “Cheltenham” sign – which is currently nearing completion somewhere in the Celtic Manor area!  In nutshell, the powers that be don’t believe that you can get behind the European team unless you’ve paid for the privilege!

Anyway, I’ve been up all night checking out the wife’s box set of Ally McBeal and I am confident of victory. It’s the largest sign in the world (bigger than the Hollywood one) and would surely encourage the Irish lads and all the rest of them for that matter.

In the meantime, any volunteers to chain themselves to the top? Or failing that,<strong> tweet your support or leave a positive comment below the line. </strong>I need all the evidence I can get!

Here it is: