Darren Till Exclusive: ‘You are the champ, you are the boss, you hold the key. State who you want to fight.’

Tyron is a great fighter but he's not a great champion.....

Proposed Tyron Woodley Fight

I think Colby doesn’t want the fight at the time they’ve given him, I think he’s got some sort of an injury as well but I know Tyron was ready to come back. The fight with me has been proposed to him. I don’t know 100% whether he’s declined or he wants more money or whatever but I know that the UFC put the fight forward to me and as I’ve said before I’ll fight anyone, anywhere, anytime, a sort of cowboy type of approach that’s how I am. So I want to fight the best and to me Tyron is one of the best.

At the moment it’s up in the air, I don’t know who I’m fighting. I don’t know what’s going on with the belt, I don’t know what’s going on with Colby. Everyone in the top five, top six, nobody knows what’s really happening so I’m waiting to see. I need to know in the next week because I’ve just had the Wonderboy fight but I need to be fighting again, I don’t want to wait a few more months. I want my fight to get booked and I’m willing to fight anyone.

Dallas headline rumours

I know that Dana wanted me to fight in Vegas but there’s rumours about Dallas and my response to that is yea, one million percent, let’s do it. But whether it’s going to be Dallas, whether it’s going to be Vegas or even Madison Square Garden I’m not really bothered.

I just want the fight to get booked against anyone. If it’s Woodley, let’s go. That’s why I said on Twitter ‘accept the fight’ and he thought Covington was getting the next beating but he’s the champion. State who you want to fight next. Just state it, and you will fight that guy.

I don’t know why he’s so reluctant. With regards to being a champion I don’t think he’s a great champion. There’s no disrespect, I think he’s a great fighter but he’s taking the approach that he’s picking and choosing money and belts and super-fights when he just needs to state who he wants to fight and fight that man. You are the boss, you hold the key, you are the champion. State who you want to fight.

Deserving a Title Shot

I said I didn’t deserve a title fight because I missed weight and I respect other people in the division, other guys who deserved a shot more than me, obviously Colby being one of them. I even said it about RDA and Usman but If the UFC is going to offer me Tyron, I’m not going to say no.

If the UFC think I deserve it well then I f*cking do deserve it.

I’ve paid my dues in this game. I haven’t beaten everyone but I will at some point and if that’s the next fight, then that’s the next fight. If it’s not, then there’s another one waiting for me.

If I fight Tyron I can see him trying to take me down and I say ‘trying’. I can see him panicking and trying. He’s got that overhand right so he might try and go with power using that but I can also see him backing up and me coming in with some heavy shots. I can see the finish, I can see a good fight. I just don’t see anyone beating me, that’s just plain and simple in my eyes. There’s nobody in that division that can beat me.

Cutting Weight

Yea my weight cut dominated the Wonderboy fight but I just want to prove to people that it was one weight cut, we all make mistakes. I’ve made weight 50 times before that and I can obviously make weight again. It’s all about proving people wrong for me.

Adversity is something you have to face, it can’t all just be good positive energy all the time. You’ll get bad points and that was a bad point for me so now it’s about the comeback and proving people wrong, the people who are saying ‘that fat f*ck missed weight’. It is what it is and I’ll prove everyone wrong, mark my words.

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