Ahhh yes, it’s Royal Ascot. That glorious time during the summer when people put on fancy clothes and hats and pretend they’re landed gentry at a country fair. Whatever floats your boat.
All that aside, there’s serious business to be undertaken. Namely, making informed betting choices based on the best available information, rather than aiming a dart at the race card.
Which is where we come in. At Paddy Power News we’ve put together a lovely Cheat Sheet for Day 1 of Royal Ascot featuring our star pundits Jason Weaver, Matt Chapman, Mick Fitzgerald, Frank Hickey, Paddy Power and the combined might of the Timeform brains-trust. That’s SIX different sources to compare and contrast.
You can screenshot it, download it, even print it if you like. But whatever you do, make sure you read it.
Click on the image below to download as a PDF, or CLICK HERE to view a larger version of our Cheat Sheet for Day 1 of Royal Ascot.
Find a full range of odds on Royal Ascot over on paddypower.com