Drumconnor Lad returned to form out of the blue when third at Cork in November, and backed up that effort when landing a handicap at Leopardstown the following month. He was all out to hold on that day, but that has since proved to be strong form, with four subsequent winners emerging, and though the handicapper has raised him 9 lb for that effort, he looks more than capable of overcoming that rise and going in again here.
Theflickeringlight landed her first two handicaps with ease at Newcastle and Wetherby at the back end of last year, but found her good run of form coming to an end at Doncaster last time, possibly paying for her two previous exploits in the mud. Back from a break, she makes plenty of appeal here, particularly if able to regain the form she showed at the turn of the year.
15:05 – THE CON MAN
Despite being raised 5 lb for finishing second at Haydock, The Con Man confirmed the promise of that run when landing his second race in four starts at Kelso in January. He failed to show the same speed up in grade at Ascot last time, but it would be no surprise to see him get back on the up now returned to less exacting company.
15:40 – MAROWN
Marown cost plenty as a three-year-old, €80,000 to be exact, and he overcame inexperience to make a winning debut, landing a Newcastle bumper back in March of last year. Following a 10-month break, he maintained his unbeaten record with an impressive hurdling debut in a course-and-distance novice in January, and with further improvement anticipated, he should have enough to defy a penalty and make it three wins from three starts here.
Aero Majestic struggled for any sort of form under Rules for Sean Conway, but remains well handicapped on the pick of his form for David Pipe. He has twice tasted success in points since his last run under Rules, and has recently joined Gordon Elliott’s yard, so has all the hallmarks of a very interesting runner, with the booking of Richard Johnson adding further to the appeal.
Donna’s Delight, who had undergone a breathing operation since his previous outing, belatedly took advantage of a drop in the weights to get back to winning ways at this venue in January. Finally given the positive ride he had been crying out for, he drew clear after five out and remained in command until the line. He is raised 6 lb for that victory, but there are a couple of temperamental types in this field, and this looks a reasonable opportunity for him to follow up.
Castle Rushen overcame inexperience to make his debut a winning one in January, making plenty of appeal on paper and duly repaying his supporters with a comfortably victory. He showed signs of greenness, but that is to be expected, and he is a confident selection to make light work of a penalty and confirm the placings with Democratic Oath (who finished third that day), maintaining his unbeaten record in the process.
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