Well, day one was eventful. Some incredible performances; Chacun Por Soi did exactly what we all thought he’s capable of, Notebook showed class and some fight to get over the line and Honeysuckle passed her sternest test with flying colours. I was also personally delighted for Paul Nolan and Latest Exhibition.
But, while Saturday is over, we still have Sunday to look forward to. And, ahem, Sunday will be the best day with the Gold Cup and our new fancy sponsorship. But shut up Paddy, the people want tips, not to hear you sh*te on – ok, ok, fair point.
As always, we’ve collated the tips from the great minds of Ruby, Mick Fitz, Frank Hickey and erm, me, to put them into one beautiful Cheat Sheet.
You know the deal. Just click here, right-click and print if you want to. Or, click on the image itself. Happy punting!
Everything Dublin Racing Festival over at Paddypower.com