Horse Racing Tips: Best bets for TODAY at Dublin Racing Festival in one cheatsheet

It has horse racing tips, it saves time and you can even print it off. What is not to like?

It’s a beautiful time right now. What a weekend of sport ahead for us. But for us, here in Power Tower, we’re giving the old rugger a boot into touch this weekend (well, we’ll be watching it in the Circle Bar truth be told) as all our energies are going into the Dublin Racing Festival this weekend. I think it’s fair to say Paddy is excited – me, and the brand. It’s going to be unbelievable craic and unbelievable racing.

Anyway, we have done our usual and pestered the crap out of all of our pundits and got their picks on all the big races, courtesy of our fancy new podcast. ‘Beauty is in simplicity’, a wise man once said. And that’s why we give kindly to you, our Dublin racing Festival Saturday Cheat Sheet.

Four pundits, six races, that’s….. 24 tips all in one place folks. One beautiful place.

You can even print it off. That’s service for you. Just click here, right-click and print. Or, click on the image itself. Happy punting!

Everything Dublin Racing Festival over at