Paddy’s Eliminator! Our new free-to-play horse-racing game ahead of the Cheltenham Festival

Cheltenham is hurtling into view so Paddy's amping up the fun!

Roll up, roll up. It’s almost time for the greatest show on turf and Paddy’s pulled out all the stops once gain to make this the best Cheltenham Festival ever.

And now he’s giving you for absolutely nothing his brand, spanking, new free-to-play Eliminator game where you can win up to £100,000 each raceday!

It’s an Eliminator game, Jim. But not as we know it. In true Paddy style our new game has a tasty twist.

Curious? Of course you are

In Paddy’s Eliminator you get extra chances to stay in the game but the wheat gets separated from the chaff the further you progess.

Only the savviest will survive to have a chance of winning the cash pot.

Here’s the gist of it.

Six races will be nominated each week and you simply select 6-5-4-3-2-1 runners in races 1-2-3-4-5-6.

Once ONE of your selections wins in each round — you progress to the next round – until you’re left with a single pick in the final race.

If your sixth and final selection wins than you’re a winner! Huzzah! You’ll take all of  – or a share of that day’s prize – along with all the other clever clogs who beat the Eliminator.

It’s a bit like The Chase without the hard Geography questions.

If you’re the sole survivor you ran off into the sunset with all the loot. Can’t say fairer than that, can you?

And if that isn’t enough, the big man brought together the greatest minds in the game to deliver their daily tips on PP News but he’s also amped up his excellent Non Runner Money Back Offer, dishy daily cheat sheets, our fab From The Horse’s Mouth pod and Cheltenham Countdown shows, as well as belting deals, offers, and much, much more.


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