What is Dutch Betting? Paddy’s quick guide

Learn how Dutch betting can help you target and secure profit on sports like horse racing, golf and football.

dutch betting

Dutch betting or Dutching is one of those betting strategies that the experts seem to know all about. Average punters can feel left in the dark about these types of bet structures – and that’s why we’re here to help.

Paddy reckons no-one should be left uninformed of the options available when betting on sport. We’ve therefore knocked up a quick guide to Dutch betting, or Dutching as some punters call it.

Read on to understand what Dutch betting is, why it’s popular, and which sports are ideal for using it…

What is Dutching?

Dutch betting is a type of bet strategy where you back more than one outcome on the same event in order to target specific returns, or ringfence your risk. You’re willing to accept that one of your picks will lose but that doesn’t matter because your other pick stands a chance of winning and covering the loss.

You might, for example, bet on two horses to win the same race. This might seem foolish but it actually increases your chances of nailing a return. So long as the odds are big enough, you’ll win profit.

How Dutch betting works

dutch betting example

There are three types of Dutch bets: Basic, Set-Profit and Set-Stake. Most players will start out with basic Dutching so that’s what we’ll focus on in this guide.

Basic Dutch betting works by backing more than one selection to do the same thing. The most common example is backing two horses to win the same race. You simply make two single bets in the Paddy Power bet slip.

The key is to ensure your selections carry odds large enough to cover the stake of your losing bet and generate profit. Here’s an example when horse racing betting with a £40 total stake:

  • Bet £20 on Myhorseisawinner at odds of 7/1
  • Bet £20 on Topchamp at odds of 7/1

In this Dutch bet you’re guaranteed to lose at least one selection. However, the odds are large enough that if the other pick wins, you’ll still make a profit.

In this instance, either horse winning earns you £140 profit. You keep your £20 stake from the winning bet but lose your £20 stake from the losing bet. So your total return = £140.

Other types of Dutch betting

Set-Profit and Set-Stake Dutching go into deeper detail than basic Dutch betting. They’re useful if you’re betting on events where the odds on each selection are different.

With Set-Profit Dutching you need to outline a target profit and tweak your stake on both selections to ensure you hit that profit regardless of which one wins. Set-Stake Dutching requires the opposite logic. You don’t go beyond a stake limit you set yourself, regardless of your profit potential.

Examples of Dutching

Here’s how Dutch betting works in action, using horse racing, football and golf as examples:

Two horses to win a race

Two horses cannot win the same race but plenty of punters split their stakes between more than one horse and “go Dutch”. Dutching in horse racing is popular when there are runners priced at the same odds. However, you’ll need to dabble with Set-Profit or Set-Stake Dutching if there are variations in the odds.

Two players to score first

Two players can’t score first in the same football match but Paddy permits this wager as two single selections. Dutching when football betting is ideal for first goalscorers when you’re backing outsiders at high odds. Here an example:

Italy face France in a World Cup game. You choose the following players to score first:

  • Italy’s right-back at 16/1
  • France’s centre-half at 16/1

You wager £10 on each and stand to win £160 if either player finds the net first.

Two or more golfers to win a tournament

The golf odds on anyone winning a tournament are usually high before the action gets underway. You’re unlikely to see players priced lower than 6/1 to outright win, especially heading into the majors.

Dutching in golf works exceptionally well because most players are priced above 15/1. You can therefore back more than two selections and still make a profit if one of them comes through.

Here’s an example:

  • £10 on Player A to win the Open – 18/1
  • £10 on Player B to win the Open – 20/1
  • £10 on Player B to win the Open – 20/1

In this instance, you’ll win £180 if Player A wins, minus 2 x £10 losing steaks. If Players B or C win then you’ll earn £200 minus 2 x £20.


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