Ever fancied winning over three-quarters of a million pounds? Aye, of course you have. And one English punter did exactly that.
Placing a 50p stake on our online bingo game, Beauty’s Beast, the winner thought when ‘Jackpot’ flashed across the screen it was an advert. In fact, he’d just netted a life-changing £764, 834. Nice.
The lucky bloke said: “At first, when I saw the message flash up on the screen, I didn’t feel anything. Honest to God! I was playing and this thing just flashed across my screen saying ‘Jackpot’. I didn’t take any notice of it, I actually thought it was an advert or something, so I quickly clicked out of it.
“Then I actually carried on playing the game for a few more spins. It wasn’t until I exited out of the game and came back to the lobby I even noticed anything. I saw my balance and realised that the flashing jackpot wasn’t an ad! I couldn’t believe it!”
He explains that when he initially saw the balance in his account, he felt like it had to be a hoax. “I was in absolute shock. I had to call the help desk and confirm that I’d really won.
“I asked customer services if it was real, and she said: ‘Oh my God, your balance is over £764k! Yes, this is definitely real!’
“From there, I was in hysterics. I texted my missus right away. I told her she needed to be sitting down. I had to Whatsapp her a picture of the jackpot win, and it was hysterics all over again.”
Although the win is still dawning on him, he’s determined to stay grounded: “Our first plan is to by a house. My missus already has found the one she wants. Besides that, maybe a new car, but we’re determined not to change.
“I always said that if I won a load of cash, I wouldn’t change the way I worked. I’ve always worked hard. In fact, I’m in work on the phone to you and I have a long shift tomorrow I’ll be back in for!”
Legs eleven. Get involved with our special Bingo sign-up offer here